
Hi, this is Sam. I grew up in Argentina to Korean parents, but now I live in Leuven, Belgium. Currently, I’m doing a PhD at KU Leuven’s Rega Institute for Medical Research, under the supervision of Guy Baele and Philippe Lemey. My research focus is on reconstructing the evolution and spread of pathogens using large numbers of genome sequences and other epidemiological information.

Before coming to Belgium, I worked for some time as a research specialist with Andres Perez and Julio Alvarez at the University of Minnesota, where I focused on the molecular epidemiology of antimicrobial resistance in Salmonella and other foodborne pathogens. Before that, I got my bachelor’s in Physics at Carleton College.

I’m broadly interested in computational approaches to study the evolution and epidemic dynamics of infectious diseases in animal and human populations. During my free time, I enjoy cooking, trying different cuisines, and reading books with lots of pictures.

Contact Information

Computational and Evolutionary Virology
Rega Institue for Medical Research
KU Leuven
Herestraat 49 - box 1040
3000 Leuven
